The winner of Indian Idol 6, Vipul Mehta, has launched his new single 'Vande Mataram' to pay tribute to the Armed Forces of India at the Wagah border in Amritsar.
Speaking about his version of the iconic anthem, which also incorporates the voice of his Guruji, the legendary Ustad Maqbool Husain Khan, he said, "The inspiration behind this song is the lyricist, Ajay Sehgal, who is an Army officer in an organization under Ministry of Defense. I could never imagine making my own song, but his words inspired me.
"I decided to launch this song at the Wagah border when I heard the output, as I wanted each one out there to feel the same patriotism that ran through me while I composed the song. The Indian armed forces are always at the border protecting us and the country from any intruders. Thanks to these brave hearts, the citizens know that they are in safe custody. The moment I heard the lyrics, I knew I wanted to use this to pay homage to the soldiers. It is a small gesture from my part to honor them", he added. ith his next release lined up for this year, he said, "Within the next 5 years I want to get a Filmfare award as the best playback singer, and also focus on my own compositions. I have also recently recorded a song for a movie called 'Wedding Pulao' with Salim Sulaiman. I am planning to release my own track called 'Roobaroo' under the Universal Music India banner."
On the occasion, he also revealed his plans for India and added, "I want India to become 'Sapno ka Bharat' and I also wish to meet our Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, and urge him to have this song played at Rajpath on Republic Day."
The launch of his single was witnessed by a spectacular crowd and the Armed Forces, and has commenced the celebrations leading up to the Republic Day.