Taking a jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 56-inch chest claim, Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge on Friday alleged that his foreign policies are failing one by one.
"If Pakistan wants to talk, there should be direct dialogue. Earlier also the Pakistan Ambassador invited separatists. Now, the NSA of Pakistan is inviting them. It means they are not interested to keep peace in the border. They just want to disturb and their intention is not good," Kharge told ANI.
"In such circumstances, why should Modi often try to talk on one side because the other side is not ready to talk? Earlier he claimed that we would teach a lesson to Pakistan. Where did that anger and 56-inch chest go?" he added.
Kharge pointed out that on one side Prime Minister Modi is sending advisors to talk, while on the other side there have been around 800 ceasefire violations in the last one year.
"Modiji is failing to set right the foreign policies with Pakistan," he said.
The Ministry of External Affairs today advised Pakistan not to meet the Hurriyat leaders ahead of NSA- level talks here.
The MEA said that such a meeting would not be in keeping with the spirit and intent of the understanding in Ufa, Russia, to jointly work to combat terrorism.