Hitting out at Uttar Pradesh Police for arresting the law student who accused the BJP leader and former union minister Chinmayanand of raping her, Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) national spokesperson Sudhindra Bhadoria on Wednesday said it is ironical that people who are levelling charges of being raped are under police remand.
Bhadoria told ANI, "It is ironical that people who have been allegedly raped or those who are levelling charges of being raped, are finding themselves under police custody."
"We have seen in the past in Unnao case, the father of the victim died in the police custody. In this case similarly, the victim's relatives were killed in an accident on their way to the High Court in Uttar Pradesh," he added.
"In this case, they have arrested the girl who has charged Chinmayanand of sexual harassment and rape. This speaks a lot about the law and order in Uttar Pradesh. How will be girls who are sexually exploited and raped come forward if this kind of atmosphere is created," Bhadoria asked.
"I think the Supreme Court should appoint some retired judge or someone who can inquire into the matter and give justice to the girl. I hope that the judicial system does justice to her," he added.
The local court today sent the girl student to 14 days of judicial remand, said the former union minister's lawyer, Manendra Singh on Wednesday.
Earlier, the Director-General of Police (DGP) OP Singh said, "The special investigation team (SIT) has arrested the girl student, who had levelled charges of rape against BJP leader Swami Chinmayanand, for alleged extortion.
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