Income Tax Department on Monday seized Rs 44 crore in cash and 90 kgs of gold during a search conducted on properties of 'White Lotus' in Chennai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Chittoor, and Kuppam.
The company White Lotus is owned by the son of Wellness Guru, Kalki Bhagwan.
The Income Tax department has confiscated Rs 20 crore worth USD, around 409 crore cash receipts, undisclosed bank accounts worth Rs 115 crore, foreign investments through hawala worth Rs 85 crore and 90 kgs of gold. The total seizure value stands at Rs 105 crore.
The search was coordinated by 300 officials in 40 locations in Chennai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Chittoor and Kuppam.
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