Ahead of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's meeting with the leaders of Gorkha Janmukti Morcha party (GJM) and Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF), Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's grandnephew Chandra Kumar Bose on Tuesday welcomed the move, saying, "time is right that all concerned parties should sit across the table and discuss" the 'Gorkhaland issue.'
"It's better late than never. This meeting should have held couple of months back. In fact, I have been appealing to the GJM leaders and the Chief Minister of West Bengal to come to the negotiating table; let us sit and discuss the issue. Because the rough and tough approach taken by the West Bengal Government is not going to solve the hill problem. Similarly, the violence that we have seen for last couple of months in the hills will too not solve any problem," he said.
Further putting forward his doubt over getting solution in the August 29th meeting, West Bengal Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) vice-president said, "We welcome the move of starting the discussions. The GTA agreement is a tripartite agreement, where the Central government is also a party. So this would have been more fruitful, if Central Government, along with State Government officials, sat with the GJM leaders and sort out their differences. Let us think positive that something would come out of the meeting, at least it should pave the way for a permanent solution to the hill crisis."
Meanwhile, GJM, hours before the meeting between Mamata Banerjee and the Gorkhaland agitators, appeared to be divided on their demands from the Government.
While President Bimal Gurung he wants discussion only on Gorkhaland, GJM leader Binay Tamang clearly stated that they won't go to the table with a closed mind.
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The talks are expected to pave the way for normalcy in the hills of North Bengal, which have witnessed an agitation since June 15.
According to a statement released by the GJM, the demand for Gorkhaland arose when people started questioning their patriotism.
They also mentioned that they have contributed during the freedom movement as well.
The ongoing demands for a separate administrative framework for the Darjeeling hills, Tarai and Dooars have been there since 1907. The demand is yet to be fulfilled.
They stated that it is because of this reason that Gorkhas living across India have been demanding Gorkhaland for the past two and half months.
In the letter they mentioned that they have always pressed for democratic forms of protest to realize their dreams of Gorkhaland.
They also said that the movement was non-violent even in the past and this movement is non-violent today, and it will continue to remain democratic, non-violent and peaceful in the days to come. They have condemned the acts of violence that have taken place in these past 65 days in Darjeeling hills, Tarai and Dooars, and condemn such acts that are perpetrated to destroy peace.
The GJM has demanded a High Level Committee comprising of NIA officials to investigate into the blasts in the Super Market in Darjeeling town and near Thana Dara in Kalimpong town. They have also demanded strict action against the ones who are responsible.
The GJM has also reiterated that they do not have any tie ups with any insurgent organizations either in the North East India, Nepal or any such organizations anywhere else in the world.
They added that the people living in Darjeeling hills, Tarai and Dooars are not the only ones responsible to ensure peace but the Central Government and the Government of West Bengal must look into it as well.
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