The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Tuesday slammed West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banrejee for accusing the saffron party of playing divisive politics and said that it is the latter who has always played the communal card and fooled the people.
Asserting that the BJP ruled states are functioning peacefully, party leader Rahul Sinha said, "I will ask Mamata Banerjee to give an example where the BJP brewed riots. All the BJP ruled states are at peace and there is not even an iota of violence there."
"It is the Mamata Banrejee Government which supports violence. She has always played the communal card and tried to befool the people. So I would like to say that Mamata Banerjee should first introspect as she has no right to point fingers at other party when she herself supports divisive politics," he added.
Lashing out at the NDA-led Centre, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee earlier today accused the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led NDA government for pursuing "divisive politics", while urging the minority community not to fall into their trap.
"India, is one big joint family where several religions have been living as brothers for decades. The BJP government is disturbing the communal harmony of the country through various means. Its only job is to divide people, conduct cow census and spread fundamentalism in the country. It is not only about attack on Muslim community, but also on Christians and Dalits," said Banerjee while addressing a minority affairs program here.