Communist Party of India (CPI) leader Atul Anjan on Monday said that West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee is not handling the Jadavpur University molestation case in the right way, and added that her approach towards the issue is casual and narrow-minded.
"The students were manhandled and the female students were molested by male policemen. This is not acceptable; our culture does not promote such kind of disrespect. Unfortunately, this has been given a different colour," said Anjan.
"Someone close to Mamata Banerjee has said that students were beaten because of illicit use of drugs and liquor. Does the government not have strict policy to curb such things? They are wavering from the primary issue. There are increasing numbers of crimes against women and Mamata Banerjee is defending the police. This is a very casual attitude and a narrow-minded approach," he added.
The students of the university have been demanding the resignation of the vice chancellor over the alleged molestation and subsequent manhandling of students during the protests.
The students had alleged that the policemen had dragged out students and manhandled them. More than 30 students were arrested by the police while some of them were seriously injured.
Earlier last month, as many as ten male students had allegedly dragged a female student of the university into the boys' hostel and molested her during a festival organised by the college.
The alleged victim informed the college authorities and filed a police complaint following which the officials began the investigation. However, no arrests have been made so far in connection with this case.