Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Wednesday said the Janata Parivar merger is an experiment that has happened many times even before.
"The Janata Parivar has been an experiment that has happened many times. They have got together and also split apart. They are entitled to make an attempt again," BJP spokesperson Nalin Kohli told ANI.
"These are family based parties that are getting together to fight elections, especially the Bihar elections which are coming up. What needs to be borne in mind is that the constituents don't have an awe-inspiring model of governance," he added.
Kohli said the jungle-raj has been seen in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh that hardly inspires any confidence.
"They may get together and form a parivar, but the larger questions is, 'will the people support them'," he added.
Mwanwhile, the leaders of six Janata parties are scheduled to meet today to discuss a merger under the leadership of Samajwadi Party (SP) chief Mulayam Singh Yadav.
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Talk of the big merger happening is being made a day after Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Amit Shah launched a campaign for polls in Bihar.
The merger comes ahead of the Bihar polls which are scheduled to be held later this year whereas elections in Uttar Pradesh Assembly are slated for 2017.
As per reports, the new entity is likely to be named either Samajwadi Janata Party or Samajwadi Janata Dal with the cycle as its symbol.