Traffic congestion and vehicular pollution becomes a global concern. Now, one can follow the Japanese way of car sharing to reach your destination.
In Japan, car sharing business is expanding since 2012 since ORIX group develops a technology to allow people share cars.
Manabu Ikeda said, ORIX Auto Corporation said, "Car rental and Car sharing are different. Renting a car means providing your vehicle with a driver. However, car sharing is different we cars are kept in many parking areas from where a customer can reserve it via PC or smart phone."
"Car sharing is very easy, convenient and fast. ORIX has developed a mobile application through which reservation can be completed by only 3 touches. Minimum time of car rental is 6 hours. But in the case of car sharing it is 15 minutes and costs only 200 Yen. Customer can drive in short time by reasonable price," added Manabu.
ORIX group is developing partnership in Asia. We will develop a car sharing business in other countries across Asia. For any large facility like a factory or shopping mall, it requires efficient supply of water, especially for the air conditioning unit.
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Hiroshi Nakamura, Sales Group, EBARA Corporation said, "We examined the pump by our special analysis technology. Then we proposed the installation of the device that decreases the motor rotation frequency. As a result this facility realized 36 per cent cutbacks in base load electrical power."
UNY group accepts the energy saving proposal from Ebara in more than 30 stores. And in total, we cut electricity consumption by 4,550,000 KW every year. This reduced quantity of electricity equals to the quantity used by about 1,000 normal family units a year. Also it equals to the reduction of 1,588 tons of CO2 emissions.
EBARA has its presence in many countries, and their contribution to save energy is remarkable.