Janata Dal (United) leader Ali Anwar on Tuesday extended full support to the Jahan family in providing justice to them in connection with the fake encounter murder of their daughter Ishrat Jahan.
"They've been given temporary relief, for the time being. It is, in one way, almost established that it was a fake encounter. And, it is one of twenty encounters. We, the people of Bihar, are standing up in support of our daughter, our sister. We will give our full support to bring her complete justice", said Anwar.
In a recent CBI chargesheet, Jahan had been reported to have been killed in a fake encounter in 2004. Earlier, alleged to have had links with the Lashkar-e-Toiba, Jahan has been reportedly cleared by the CBI over her having militant connections.
Anwar also demanded answers from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) regarding the case, saying: "Now, it is for the BJP to decide whether they are with Bihar's pride, Bihar's daughter, or with Bihar's daughter's murderers."
Anwar said he was extremely "pained" after spending time with Jahan's family and hearing their story.
"They've been given temporary relief, for the time being. It is, in one way, almost established that it was a fake encounter," he said.