Congress leader Sanjay Jha on Monday stated that BJP has time and again assailed prime minister Manmohan Singh who is a decent man by himself. At the same time he stood firm in his stand that former prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee was weak.
"This has been an orchestrated and organised attempt on the part of the BJP, not just now following Baru's book, but if one looks at the last five years . The BJP leaders have been criticising prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh every other day both inside and outside the parliament. It is an attack on a good decent man. He is not someone who has overtaken the party by sidelining others and making 100 speeches. The BJP has been very unfair while treating Manmohan Singh," Jha said
The Congress leader remarked that a person who is a good orator need not necessarily be a good leader. His actions tell that he ignored his duties while in office
"Govindacharya of the BJP had once called Vajpayee as a 'mukhauta', basically saying that he was two-faced, why did he say that? If you see the truth what happened in Gujarat in 2002, my question is what was the prime minister doing at that time when his own party was running the government ? Secondly if you look at the details, who said Babri or Barabari, if he really wanted to forge national integration; then how can an Indian prime minister utter such communal remarks? and if LK Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi, and Uma Bharati everybody knows that there were cases against them then why did he keep all these people as his ministers? Why did he give a big hug to General Musharraf-a red carpet when he attacked India by surprise which was a treachery? Therefore, one who is a good orator doesn't make him a good leader," Jha added.
The Congress leader also stated, "if he indeed had right intentions-that of a strong prime minister-then he would not have been bullied by other leaders of the BJP so that Modi remained as prime minister. His actions only tell that he ignored his duties."
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Earlier, while reacting on Sanjaya Baru's book 'The Accidental Prime Minister' which has stirred a hornet's nest in the political circles about his comments made on prime minister Manmohan Singh, Congress leader, Sanjay Jha had tweeted by expressing his opposition to the book by saying that it was the former prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee who was the weakest prime minister that India had ever had.
"The weakest PM India ever had was AB Vajpayee who gave Kandahar terrorists an escort-service,and allowed Parliament to be attacked," Jha said in his tweet.