Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das, who met Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) veteran Lal Krishna Advani here on Saturday, said that he would do his best to accomplish all the dreams of the people of his state
"This is the first time that a government was formed in Jharkhand by a majority. Now, this government will accomplish all the goals. I came to take blessings from Advaniji. Both he and Atal ji had a huge contribution in the formation of Jharkhand and even I will do my best to accomplish all the dreams of the people of the state," said Das.
Das was sworn in as the state's 10th chief minister by Jharkhand Governor Syed Ahmed last Sunday.
Das, who will represent the Jamshedpur East constituency in the 81-member legislative assembly, is the first non-adivasi among the six men to ascend to the top position.