An 11-year-old girl allegedly died of starvation in Jharkhand's Simdega District recently, as her family's ration card was not linked to the Aadhaar, the 12 digit unique-identity number issued to all Indian residents based on their biometric and demographic data.
The girl died on September 28 after her mother was unable to feed her. The family was struck off from government welfare rolls for not linking their ration card with the Aadhaar card.
"Went to get rice, but I was told that no ration will be given to me. My daughter died saying 'Bhat-bhat' (rice)," said the girl's mother, Koyli Devi, on Monday.
Jharkhand Food and Supply Minister Saryu Rai said "I have clearly instructed, along with the copy of Supreme Court's order, that those who do not have the Aadhaar card, they will also get rations. Those who do not have the Aadhaar card, they will be given food supplies after identification."
"If the card has been struck off and someone has died due to it, then authorities must take action against this," he added.
Due to the increasing number of fraud cases, the Centre, for security reasons, has asked every individual to link their Aadhaar card with the ration card, LPG, PAN card or any other.
The state of Jharkhand is regarded as being among the poorest in India. It is being alleged that millions of people in the state have been struck off the ration card rolls because they are not Aadhaar linked.
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