Jimi Hendrix's biopic, titled 'All Is by My Side', had to be re-edited after his former partner registered a complaint with the Irish Film Board, who was giving tax breaks to the film.
Kathy Etchingham, who dated the iconic guitarist for 3 years before he found fame, told the New York Post that the Andre Benjamin starrer film is ridiculous, sexist and "dull as dishwater".
She filed a compliant with the Irish Minister for Arts after Hayley Atwell, who portrayed Etchingham in the film, revealed that her character "swears in every line and is a chain-smoking wild child from the '60s, who had a notoriously tempestuous relationship with Hendrix."
Etchingham said that she was upset with Atwell's revelations, as she is not from Manchester and comes from a rather prosperous Irish family.
Etchingham added that one of the scenes from the flick showed Hendrix slamming her head with a telephone, but it never happened.