The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of Karnataka on Friday questioned a Sri Ram Sena activist in connection with his alleged involvement in the murder of Kannada scholar MM Kalburgi.
"They asked me whether there is any involvement of mine or the Sri Ram Sena in Kalburgi's murder. I told them that I don't know anything about the murder, Sena activist Basawraj Budhihal told ANI.
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"Why was Kalburgi's security removed that was given to him outside his house? The state government is behind this murder. The government is just putting the blame on the Hindu Sangathans and the Sri Ram Sena," he added.
The questioning lasted for about half-an-hour.
Professor Kalburgi was shot dead by unknown persons in Dharwad last month.
He was rushed to the District Civil Hospital, but was declared dead by doctors.