In a scathing attack on senior Congress leader Kamal Nath, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday said that "Congress can keep Ali, while Bajrangbali is enough for us (Bharatiya Janata Party)".
Taking a jibe at Nath over a viral video purportedly showing him asking Muslim leaders to ensure as much as 90 per cent voting for his party from the community, Adityanath said, "I recently read a statement by Kamal Nath ji where he said that the Congress does not want SC/ST votes. The Congress only wants Muslim votes. I just want to tell him that Kamal Nath ji can keep Ali, Bajrangbali will be enough for us (BJP)."
Adityanath also criticised Congress president Rahul Gandhi over his promise of waiving loans of farmers in Madhya Pradesh within 10 days if his party comes to power.
"Rahul Gandhi, in his speech, repeatedly says that he will waive off the debt of farmers in Madhya Pradesh. If that is the case, then the Congress is in power in Punjab and the state has a majority of farmers but they have not waived off any loans yet. And he talks about waiving off the debt in Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh."
The state will go to polls to elect legislators for its 230 constituencies on November 28. Results will be declared on December 11.
While the BJP will look to extend its 15 year rule in the state, the Congress is in a bid to regain power in Madhya Pradesh.
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