The woman, who threw ink at Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal during a public meeting at the Chhatrasal Stadium here on Sunday, accused the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Government of being involved in a CNG scam.
\The accused, who identified herself as Bhavna, the Aam Aadmi Sena in-charge of Punjab, claimed that she has got proof in this regard.
She told reporters that she possesses a CD, pertaining to the alleged CNG scam.
The incident took place when Kejriwal was expressing his gratitude to the people of Delhi for making the odd-even formula a success.
The woman rushed close to the dais and threw ink at Kejriwal. She was immediately apprehended by the police. However, the Chief Minister told the cops to leave her.
"Leave her; she is talking about some scam. Please take that paper from her she is mentioning some CNG scam," he said.
The event was organised by the AAP Government to thank the people of Delhi for making the odd-even experiment, which ended on January 15, a success.