Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Shazia Ilmi on Tuesday said Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal had only Delhi to look at which made it easier for him to win the Delhi Assembly elections.
"She (Kiran Bedi) is accepting the fact that she had indeed lost but her commitment for Delhi continues. She said that party has supported her thoroughly. Arvind Kejriwal had only Delhi to look at, which is his advantage," said Ilmi.
"However, this is a big loss and we should all take collective responsibility and should accept this fact. Their way of putting forward succeeded and even Kiran Bedi ji is saying that," she added.
Ilmi further said that she did not regret leaving the party. "I know what AAP was like to me, so no, I don't regret leaving them," she said.
In a major setback for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Congress, the AAP won 67 out of the 70 assembly seats up for grabs.
The BJP, which was relying heavily on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's popularity and had also brought in former IPS officer Kiran Bedi as its chief ministerial candidate to counter Kejriwal, managed to secure just three seats.
The Congress, which had ruled the national capital for 15 years up to 2013 and was trying to rebuild its lost ground in Delhi, failed to even open its account.