Taking exception to Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader M S Dhir's accusation that the party lacks internal democracy, former Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal said that anyone denied a ticket would obviously talk of a lack of democracy in the party.
Kejriwal, however, clarified that ticket distribution had not taken place in the party till now and reports about the same were just based on speculation.
Dhir had ruffled some feathers today by saying that the party lacks internal democracy and refuted a news report that he was denied ticket by the party.
He also heaped praise on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, fuelling speculation that he may join the BJP.
"Our nation has never seen a Prime Minister before who is taking the nation in the right direction; he is a great leader. The entire nation is praising Modiji, and even Arvindji has said that he's a good man," Dhir told ANI here.