Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Subramanian Swamy on Monday rubbished Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal's claims that an attempt has been made to bribe his party MLAs, and said that Kejriwal should not be taken seriously.
Swamy said that that these usual 'shoot-and-scoot' tactics have become a habit of the AAP.
"Why would the BJP give money? The BJP doesn't have to give money, because the BJP's problem is how to stop this flood of MLAs from the Congress and the AAP coming to us and saying please take us. Talking gibberish and baseless things has become a habit of Arvind Kejriwal. Why take him seriously?" he said.
Meanwhile, BJP leader Vijendra Gupta said it is a desperate attempt made by the AAP to defame his party.
"We have made it clear that we are not interested in forming a coalition government. We have always maintained that we do not have right number of MLAs to form the government. I condemn the AAP's action of falsely accusing our leaders," he said.
Kejriwal had earlier in the day claimed to have in his possession a recorded footage of BJP MLA Sher Singh Dagar, who was trying to bribe the AAP MLAs.