Commenting on the protest by Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and Delhi Law Minster Somnath Bharti's raid, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader V.K Malhotra on Monday said that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal should resign instead of giving a dharna, and Law Minster Somanth Bharti should be sacked for misbehavior.
"We have never seen this kind of politics in Delhi. The Chief Minster should resign if he is not able to govern the capital looking at the present situation instead of giving a dharna," said Malhotra.
"Also, the misbehavior against Ugandan women by Delhi Law Minster Somnath Bharti is unacceptable, and he should be sacked immediately," he said.
"The Congress keeps saying things against them, and criticizing them, but keeps supporting them at the same time," he added.
Talking on the issue of foreign nationals residing in the capital he said that the BJP had tried to address this issue in 2011.