Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde on Monday reassured that a free and fair probe is being conducted against the three cops, who allegedly defied the orders of the Delhi Cabinet Ministers Somnath Bharti and Rakhi Birla, and said that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal should wait for the report of the probe before staging a protest.
"The Delhi Police and Lieutenant Governor (LG) look after Delhi. The LG has told him (Kejriwal) that usually an inquiry is headed by a top cop or revenue department officer. But this time, a judicial inquiry has been initiated so as to fix responsibility. The inquiry will be free and fair, and, it will be completed soon," Shinde told media here today.
"When the Lieutenant Governor has assured that a judicial inquiry has been initiated against the cops, then he must patient and should wait for the report. He (Kejriwal) is the chief minister of Delhi and he should maintain the dignity of the chair. He should cooperate in the inquiry," he said on Kejriwal, who is sitting on a dharna outside the Rail Bhavan.
Reacting to Somnath Bharti's comment that 'people are unhappy because of absolute anarchy created by the BJP and the Congress', Shinde said "Today, the whole country is witnessing who is spreading anarchy."
Earlier today, Kejriwal had said, "Some say I am an anarchist, yes I am. There is lawlessness in every home in the city, and today I'll spread disorder in the home minister's house," said Kejriwal.
He also said that the Delhi Police should be held responsible for every sort of crime against women in the capital.
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Arvind Kejriwal and other AAP leaders were stopped at Rail Bhavan by the Delhi Police while heading for a protest outside Shinde's office demanding action against Delhi Police today.
The party then started protesting in Rail Bhavan itself, demanding action against Delhi Police personnel for alleged dereliction of duty.
Party leader Sanjay Singh made it clear yesterday that AAP will stage a protest if no action is taken against the police officers.
AAP is demanding the suspension of the station house officers (SHO) of Sagarpur and Malviya Nagar police stations and two assistant commissioners of police.