Filmmaker Karan Johar on Wednesday shared another amusing video from his home, where he is having some fun time with his little munchkins Yash and Roohi Johar. They are seen wearing colourful funky glasses and the trio jokingly term them as "stupid."
The 47-year-old filmmaker took to Instagram and shared a funny video where he pans the camera to his 3-year-olds, Yash and Roohi, who are seen wearing large glasses and asks, "Excuse me! What are we all looking like?"
To which Yash holds the camera close to his eyes and smilingly replies, "Stupid."
KJo laughs hard and says, "You are saying its Stupid! You think dadda looks stupid in these glasses." and then he adds "I think Dadda is stupid who has brought these glasses."
The 'Kuch Kuch Hota Hai' filmmaker captioned the post as "Glass game is NOT on!! So I have been told! #lockdownwiththejohars #toodles"
The adorable post garnered more than 5 lakh views on the photo-sharing platform. Celebrity followers were quick to comment on the post including Hrithik Roshan who couldn't stop laughing and wrote, "Hahahaha."While Siddharth Malhotra commented, "God bless ya... adorable"
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Anushka Sharma advised Karan to lock himself up in a room and wrote in comments," You should lock yourself up in your room" (with a laughing smiley).
Others including Aditi Rao Haydari, Sussanne Khan, Maheep Kapoor and Namrata Shirodkar showered their lovable comments on the video.
Lately, Karan has been sharing updates of his quarantine time with kids Yash and Roohi and mom Hiroo Johar. Earlier, the 'My Name is Khan' director shared a video where the two kids are seen enjoying their playtime in KJO's walk-in closet. Yash was seen hiding in his daddy's closet as Roohi played the guitar while singing 'Old McDonald had a farm'.
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