The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Tuesday accused the Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress government in West Bengal of repeatedly giving 'cover-up' statements in regard to blasts occurring in the state, calling for a 'credible' investigation into the blast that occurred on the Sealdah-Krishnanagar local train.
"We have seen in Burdwan how the local police and the CID were investigating and the same thing occurred in Pingla. The West Bengal government claimed that the CID says that it is a cracker-making factory. Well, it doesn't seem so because the intensity of blast in Pingla was so severe that even ten kilometres away, people could feel the vibrations," BJP national secretary Siddharth Nath Singh told ANI.
"The intensity was so high that body parts were flung almost a hundred meters away as well being found on the top of trees. So, definitely it has been a cover up, the same as today. Logically if you think, how
can two rival groups, early in the morning, sit in the train and then decide to throw bombs at each other. Does it happen like this?" he added.
Singh also asked for a proper investigation to follow in the case.
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"It is again a cover-up and I think the time has come that a credible investigation needs to be done and I hope Centre considers this," Singh said.
Earlier in the day, at least 19 people were injured in a low-intensity bomb explosion on the Sealdah-Krishnanagar local train in Kolkata after the train left Titagarh Station.
According to reports, the low intensity blast happened after two groups clashed with each other.