Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) chief ministerial candidate for Delhi Kiran Bedi on Tuesday said that the owner of the Krishna Nagar Constituency party office received life threat warnings and was asked to vacate the place.
"What's wrong with losers? My Krishna Nagar Constituency office owner is receiving life threats and bomb to be placed in his office," Kiran Bedi tweeted.
"The owner of the building of our Krishna Nagar Constituency being threatened and being told to get us to vacate the office since last night," she tweeted.
Bedi on Tuesday dubbed the attack on her campaign office as 'absolutely unfortunate' and said it is because of such incidents that the civilized people do not join politics.
"It is absolutely unfortunate. Is this what the elections are all about? Winning and losing will go on. Is it civilized to beat up party workers? This is an uncivilized behaviour and that is why the civilized people do not enter politics. If such incidents continue then good people won't join politics," Bedi said.
The Krishna Nagar constituency of East Delhi is a BJP stronghold that has been won five times by Union Minister Harsh Vardhan, who was the BJP chief ministerial candidate in the 2013 polls.
Elections for the 70-member Delhi Assembly will be held on February 7 and the results would be announced on February 10.