Continuing his barrage of criticism against the Gujarat Chief Minister, Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav on Wednesday urged the youth to not to cast their votes for Narendra Modi.
"Narendra Modi and his supporters make big promises as they assure that youth will be given employment. I should tell the youth that you will be the victim as they were involved in the riots in the past," he said.
Yadav had earlier on Saturday predicted that Modi will go mad in the next few days trying to chase down his dream and ambition to become the country's Prime Minister.
"Narendra Modi will go mad in the next few days. He is mad in his desire to become the Prime Minister of our nation," said Yadav.
Yadav also described the BJP's poll panel chief as a communal and fascist leader.
"He is maligning the Prime Minister's image. He is making fun of our democracy He should take medicines or else he will go mad," he added.
Modi, who is believed to be just days from being announced as the BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate for 2014, is leaving no stone unturned to win the election battle for the saffron out.