Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Meenakshi Lekhi on Thursday took potshots at former military ruler General Pervez Musharraf for his provocative statements against Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying he is no one to speak in the interests of Muslims of Pakistan.
Lekhi said that a person, who has committed atrocities against Islam and caused a lot of damage to his own country, has no right to speak about Pakistan and Islam.
"Firstly, Musharraf has killed many Muslims, so he is no friend of Muslims to speak about the interests of Muslims. Secondly, he doesn't represent Pakistan state; he represented the state of Pakistan in the past and caused a lot of damage to the nation of Pakistan. Thus, he is neither a friend of Pakistan, nor a friend of Muslims," Lekhi told ANI here.
"He is no one to speak in the interests of Muslims of Pakistan. I think an individual like him should be treated legally by the law of Pakistan," she added.
In an interview to a private television channel in India, Musharraf hit out at Prime Minister Modi and said that he is anti-Pakistan and anti-Muslim. The former military ruler also said that the Indian Prime Minister cannot dictate terms to his country on the peace process.