Former Maharashtra chief minister Prithviraj Chavan on Sunday won the South Karad seat in Maharashtra by over 65,000 votes defeating independent candidate Vilasrao Patil-Undalkar and BJP's Atul Bhosale.
Meanwhile, Chavan's supporters danced to the drum beats and played colours as they celebrated his victory.
"We are very happy he is a minister of our district, Maharashtra and this country. And we have selected him. So, now we are very happy over his victory. It was a very tough fight, but our supporters have selected him," said a supporter.
With the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is marching ahead in Maharashtra as per latest trends, the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) earlier today blamed Chavan for the rout in the state.
"We have fought this election alone in the state. We are hopeful that NCP will win at least 50 seats," he said.
As per latest tally, the Congress is at the third position in Maharashtra with 43 seats, close to NCP which has 42 seats.
The BJP is leading with 111 seats, while the Shiv Sena is at the second position with 51 seats.