Majority of Americans said the United States should stay out of Syria's civil war.
The Fox News Poll found that despite two-thirds of voters, 66 percent, saying the Syrian government used gas on its citizens, just 36 percent favor using force to punish Syria for that, as compared to 61 percent who oppose.
Even among those who believe Syria used gas on its citizens, nearly 53 percent opposed using force as punishment as compared to 42 percent who supported.
The poll found that two-thirds or 68 percent of Americans said that the U.S. should stay out of Syria because it's a civil war and the U.S. could end up helping anti-American extremists.
Also, 74 percent respondents said that taking action will provoke rather than prevent additional violence in the Middle East.
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The poll asked respondents about four military actions the U.S. could take in response to more than 100,000 dead and the use of chemical weapons in Syria's civil war.
No option is supported by a majority of voters.
The one option that was supported by most was using force to degrade Syria's capacity to use chemical weapons in the future: 42 percent favor that, while 52 percent oppose it.
Nearly 67 percent of respondents also oppose using force to help the anti-government rebels as compared to 27 percent who support.