Majority of foreign fighters killed in Syria between July 2012 and May 2013 were found to be fighting on behalf of a terrorist group that's a front for Al Qaeda in Iraq.
The revelation comes from a new independent report by a security consulting firm that specializes in counterterrorism.
According to Fox News, the report found that at least 280 foreign fighters died in that time period.
The report called 'Convoy of Martyrs in the Levant' by Flashpoint Global Partners concludes that the Syrian conflict is now drawing jihadiist fighters from the U.S., Chechnya, Kosovo, Egypt, Gaza, Jordan, Tunisia, Libya and Saudi Arabia.
A lead investigator on the project, Aaron Zelin, the Richard Borrow fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said the emergence of foreign fighters is another sign that the Syrian conflict is spreading, the report added.