Lashing out at West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for discrediting the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) victory in Tripura, the latter's Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb said the former "should get her brain examined in a hospital."
The newly-elected chief minister further suggested that the Trinamool Congress (TMC) Chief should visit temples for "mental peace."
"Mamata didi should go to a temple and then get her brain examined at a hospital," Biplab told reporters here.
Earlier, Mamata in an interview had discredited the BJP for its victory in Tripura, and compared the saffron party's feat to "winning the municipal elections". She also reportedly claimed that the BJP's victory in Tripura was no cause for concern for her.
The BJP- Indigenous People's Front of Tripura (IPFT) coalition defeated the Communist Party of India (CPI) with a two-thirds majority in the Tripura legislative assembly elections.
The BJP won 35 of the 59 seats that went to polls in the Left bastion, ousting the CPI (M) which won only in 17 assembly constituencies.
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