Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his first radio address to the nation on Thursday called 'Man ki Baat', appreciated the effort of those who wrote to him through mail about varied ideas related to the nation's development journey.
"Through mails, social media, lots of people write to me. Gautam Pal wrote to me about specially abled children and I really liked what he wrote. I remember we began Khel Mahakumbh for specially abled athletes where I myself would go and see the sports," said Prime Minister Modi.
"On mail lot of people wrote to me that children should begin skill development courses at a very young age. This is a good suggestion. Some wrote to me that we should have more dustbins. This is also a good point," he added.
Urging the people of country to keep sharing these things with him, he said, "I welcome you to write and share your thoughts with me, together let us serve India and take our Nation to new heights."
He also asserted that the nation belongs to everyone and it is important for people to be a part of the development journey.
Expressing his happiness over being able to reach such a large number of people, especially the poor, through the medium of radio, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, "Today is the start. In future too I will keep talking to you on the Radio. It will be on a Sunday at 11:00 am."
The 'Man ki Baat' Radio programme was carried by AIR in different modes and channels viz. midwave, shortwave, FM network, Vividhbharati and local radio stations, simultaneously, thereby making it available to 99.2 percent population of India.
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The regional language version of the programme will be broadcast on regional networks at 8 pm.
Earlier, while deciding to reach out to the people through Radio, Prime Minister Modi had sought suggestions from the public on such initiatives. A separate forum was created on the website 'MyGov' to enable the citizens to share their views.