The Indian Space Research Organisation's (ISRO's) recently launched Mangalyaan has completed a month in the Martian Orbit.
The first longest successful journey to Mars began on November 5 last year.
In its 25th flight, the PSLV C25 had launched the Mars Orbiter Mission. After five orbit raising manoeuvres the mission for Mars entered the trans mars injection. The journey which was 680 million kilometers away from the earth was monitored by ISRO, NASA and also by many stations around the world.
Finally on September 24, Mangalyaan entered the Martian orbit.
ISRO sees the Mars Orbiter Mission as one of its major achievements, and its scientists and others now believe it is possible to aspire and dream about higher objectives in space science.
The aim of Mangalyaan is to explore the surface features, morphology and mineralogy of Mars, besides the Martian atmosphere with the help of indigenous scientific instruments.