Congress leader Manish Tewari today accused the NDA Government of running away from questions being put up by people over their progress and accountability.
"If people are asking for an account of what the government has done in last 60 days, why is the government running away instead of providing answers?" asked Tewari.
"The way they have conducted things clearly proves that our national interest is hampered. Why are they not providing the account of their 60 days work to our nation? Prime Minister should brief people properly or it may be that he is doing this on purpose to confuse our nation," he added.
Earlier, Congress leader Rashid Alvi had said that the Congress isn't seeking any answers from the BJP but the country is.
"We aren't seeking any answers but the country is. People are waiting for good days to arrive. You said that you will get this country rid of problems, but nothing is happening now," said Alvi.
Earlier today, indirectly referring to the Congress Party, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he was surprised that people, who couldn't do anything for the country after being in power for nearly 60 years, were seeking answers from the NDA Government's on its progress in 60 days.