Congress leader Manish Tewari on Thursday said if the Saudi diplomat who has been accused of raping two Nepalese women in Gurgaon has fled India, then it would amount to a rape of the criminal justice system of the nation.
"The Saudi Government should immediately strip him of his diplomatic immunity and they should hand him over to India. The Indian Government, which has a history of aiding and abetting fugitives from the law, should not find itself aiding and abetting rapists also to escape from this country," Tewari told ANI.
He also said, "If it all turns out to be correct that this man has fled the country, the Government of India must tell the Saudi Government that there would be serious implications for India's relationship with Saudi Arabia."
"We are not a banana republic that people can trample with our laws; they can rape women and get away with it. If the same thing would have happened in Saudi Arabia, they would have beheaded a person rather than allowing him to get away," he added.