The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Saturday said that former prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh's international tours had gone unnoticed because he failed to make any 'impact' on the diplomatic front.
"I think all the former prime ministers, including Manmohan Singh, had travelled as many trips as Modi ji. Manmohan Singh's international travels went unnoticed because he didn't make any impact on the international stage. India never mattered during the ten years of the Congress regime," said BJP spokesperson G.V.L Narasimha Rao.
"When Prime Minister Modi goes to any country, he makes headlines. When he had visited the U.S. last year, it had received significant coverage in the U.S. media which is the first for India. So by attacking the Prime Minister, the Congress is only acknowledging that all congress prime ministers in the past have proved to be an utter failure on the diplomatic front," he added.
Earlier, the Congress Party had demanded a disclosure of investments attracted by Prime Minister Modi during his foreign visits and had also criticised him for his frequent international tours.