The Maoist attack in Jharkhand's Palamu District that claimed the lives of seven persons, including five policemen and two civilians on Wednesday, occurred because standard operating procedures with regard to security were not followed, claimed defence expert P.K. Sehgal on Thursday.
"On behalf of the nation, I wish to pay condolences to the family of the eight police people who died. This has happened because they (the police) didn't follow laid down procedures. Apparently, some people ought to be held accountable. Those who didn't do the appropriate act ought to be taken care of so that such a thing doesn't take place and innocent lives don't get lost," Sehgal told ANI here.
"Everyday some or the other thing is happening in Jammu and Kashmir, where the army rushes in reinforcements. These reinforcements are never ambushed because there are clear cut procedures of road opening etc. Lessons of the past have not been learnt, and whenever you take things for granted, these things happen," he added.
Wednesday's landmine attack also left six persons injured.