The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Saturday described the military helicopter crash in Pakistan's Gilgit region as most unfortunate, but at the same time said that it was a reflection of the abnormal situation prevailing in that country.
"I think it is a very unfortunate event. Pakistan's government and the military's attempts to call this an accident has no takers," BJP spokesperson G.V.L. Narasimha Rao told ANI.
"The Taliban has claimed responsibility and we believe this is yet another occasion for the world to take notice of the abnormal situation that prevails in Pakistan, and take appropriate measures to
ensure that Pakistan does not become a global challenge or an irritant to world peace," he added.
Envoys of the Philippines and Norway and the wives of the Malaysian and Indonesian ambassadors were among seven persons killed when a Pakistani military helicopter crashed in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) earlier on Friday.