Michael Jackson had such "extensive" scarring on his bottoms from medical injections that the doctor on duty at the singer's 1993 Bangkok show immediately determined that he was drug dependent.
Dr. Stuart Finkelstein said in a videotaped deposition that Michael had multiple injections marks in his buttocks prior to his arriving in Bangkok, the New York Daily News reported.
He described that the scarring was significant and extensive, asserting that Michael also had a high tolerance for pain medication.
Finkelstein said that Michael wore a Duragesic patch for pain and travelled with two ampules of the opioid Demerol, which was prescribed in his makeup artist's name.
He claimed that he mentioned his concerns about Jackson to the tour promoters, including AEG honcho Paul Gongaware, but said that nobody believed him.
He said that Gongaware purportedly told him not to be a Dr. Nick, referring to the Elvis Presley physician, who was criticized for over-prescribing drugs to the iconic singer.