Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on Thursday said that in the upcoming general elections, the Congress Party will not be able to open its account in Haryana, and added that money power will be defeated by the power of sweat.
Addressing a rally in a city that is home to the mythological battle between the Kaurav and Pandav brothers, Modi said: "This time, the Congress will not open its account in Haryana. Even before the schedule for elections is announced, the results of the polls are already declared."
"On the one side, there is money power, but, on the other side, there is the hard work and the sweat of the people. In these elections, money power will be defeated by sweat power. These elections are a battle between sweat and power.
He asserted that for the Congress Party, politics is a game, but for the BJP, it is a medium of doing social work.
"I had said this country today needs a watchman. But Shahzade (Crown Prince Rahul Gandhi) has said the country does not need a watchman, but it needs over a billion watchmen. I ask him if your brother-in-law is also a watchman," he said while indirectly referring to Robert Vadra.
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He asked whether he (Vadra) will be guarding the land of the people or will he be guarding the interest of the farmers.
"I want to ask Rahul if those who looted the natural resources of this country, will they also be guards of this nation," he added.
Modi also said that emphasis has to be laid on developing tourism in the state and added that it will help the state financially.
"But no attention was given to develop tourism in Kurukshetra. There is no mention of the city in the 'Incredible India' advertisements," he added.
He alleged that the Congress Party is not interested in bringing back black money to the country and added that if the BJP is voted to power then his government will surely bring back this money.