Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Kamal Nath on Saturday announced Rs 50,000 financial assistance and free medical care to 11 patients who lost their eyesight after a free cataract operation in a private hospital in Indore. An inquiry has also been ordered into the matter.
"I am terribly sad about the incident of eleven cataract patients losing their sight after an operation. I have directed the District Collector to inquire into the incident. We will investigate how this hospital was granted permission after a similar incident had happened in this hospital nine years ago. We will take strict action against the guilty," Chief Minister Nath tweeted in Hindi.
In another tweet, he said "I have issued directions to provide high-quality medical treatment and all possible support to the patients. In addition to the government bearing their medical expenses, all patients will be provided with Rs 50,000 financial assistance."
All the patients were admitted in the hospital on August 7 under the National Blindness Prevention Programme. They were operated upon the next day, following which some patients complained of failing vision.
After their examination, it was confirmed that an infection caused the ailment but the doctors could not ascertain the reason for their infections.
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Chief Medical Officer Dr Praveen Jadia said that the government is considering to revoke the license of the hospital and the patients will be receiving specialist medical attention.
"We are considering revoking the license of the hospital. We are arranging immediate help from the Red Cross Society," said Dr Jadia.
"The patients have been shifted to a different hospital and specialists from Chennai have been roped in. Dr Rajeev Raman from Chennai would come and operate upon the patients. We expect that the patients' eyesight will be restored," he said.
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