Following the Trinamool Congress' leader Dola Sen, who allegedly delayed an Air India flight from Delhi to Kolkata by nearly 40 minutes after an argument over seating arrangement, Congress leader Charan Singh Sapra on Saturday asserted that MP's should keep their ego low and think about their national career.
"The issue which has reoccurred with Air India again, I feel the government should look in both ways before deciding the matter. There might be something wrong with the Air India staff also but the MP's should also keep their ego low and think about their national career by not losing the prestige," Sapra told ANI.
Resonating similar views, senior Congress leader Meem Afzal stated that ministers should maintain their dignity and calm rather than behaving unruly.
"Creating ruckus in the flight has become a culture among MP's now; these kinds of incidents are growing day by day. These Ministers should maintain their dignity and calm. Also if complaints are coming from Air India airlines then the government should look into the matter and decide things soon. I have also faced similar cases in the past but never did I lose my temper or make headlines," Afzal told ANI.
Yesterday, in yet another reminder of the VVIP culture, Dola Sen delayed the Air India flight from Delhi to Kolkata by 30 minutes after refusing to abide by the security protocols.
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As per sources, Air India had requested Sen to shift her senior citizen mother's seat from the emergency exit, but the MP refused and created a ruckus.
Sen's mother was on wheel chair and as per the rules, she couldn't sit near the exit door.
The crew requested the MP to change the seat.
Recently, Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad also delayed Air India flight for 45 minutes and even attracted controversy for hitting the staffer of national carrier with his slipper over the issue of seating arrangement.
Air India and six private airlines banned the 56-year-old MP from flying as he refused to apologise for the incident that triggered nationwide outrage.