Interacting at the Prime Minister's Council for Trade and Industry, the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) President S Gopalakrishnan has strongly expressed the imperative to do much more at the policy level to revive and restore macroeconomic balance.
Gopalakrishnan said that while the medium to long term prospects of the Indian economy is still very good. The challenge is to revive growth to eight percent or more that the country had achieved in the last twenty years and as quickly as possible."
Terming the very high Current Account Deficit (CAD) as the economy's biggest problem, the CII cautioned that it cannot be addressed through the route of finance alone; faster economic growth will address the issue of CAD also.
"India has developed a competitive manufacturing sector in certain industries, capable of meeting domestic demand and leveraging export markets; we need to allow these industries to scale up by freeing up the sector even more and create competitive manufacturing in other industries," said Gopalakrishnan.
Taking a strong stance on manufacturing revival, the CII called for urgent implementation of National Manufacturing Policy with establishment of 20 fully functional National Investment and Manufacturing Zones within the next three years. Using the experiences of the DMIC, these projects must have pre approvals from the Central Government and States as part of the formation.
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"It is of deep concern that the share of manufactures in exports has been going down consistently over the years. We must redress this by reprising India's expertise in traditional sectors like textiles as also in advanced manufacturing sectors. China is losing some of its competitiveness in the manufacturing sector, particularly areas such as garments and low-cost electronics, which is a huge opportunity for India," said Gopalakrishnan.
The CII urged the government to issue long-term sovereign-guaranteed bonds to raise dollars from overseas investors to finance CAD.
In the medium term, strong action is needed to boost exports and curtail imports of products that India is well capable of producing, including minerals, electronics, etc. CII called for extension of interest rate subvention to exporters to all sectors. SEZ as a vehicle for exports should be restored, and benefits such as MAT exemption, labour flexibility and others must be instituted. Services exports must receive special attention.
The widening imports can be contained through action on coal, gold and iron ore imports, added CII. Despite boasting of the second largest reserves in the world, India has to increasingly rely on imports to meet its coal demand. Similarly iron ore imports too have dramatically increased. Strengthening institutional framework which encourages genuine private interest and faster approval in mining can help resolve this problem with strict action on illegal mining.
For paring gold imports, CII recommended instituting financial instruments for capturing household savings. A Gold Purchase Deferment Scheme where delivery of gold is after a stipulated period could help. Investment limit for long-term products should be enhanced to Rs 5 lakhs from current Rs 1 lakh, noted CII.
The issue of concern for industry with respect to Rupee rates is its volatility rather than its value. However, steps to curtail volatility should not constrain growth, warned the CII.
Fiscal consolidation must remain high priority, cautioned CII. On the revenue side, fast disinvestment of about Rs 50,000 crore could shore up markets and restore investor confidence. PSE funds and assets need to be strategically deployed. On the expenditure side, CII commends the government for staying with the decision of staggered increase in prices of diesel. Hopefully, this would eventually lead up to full deregulation of diesel prices.
"A very careful study of subsidies including food, fuel and fertilizers needs to be done in the current context to see that there is rationalization and better targeting. The Direct Benefits Transfer through Aadhar should be stepped up which would target beneficiaries and greatly control leakages," suggested Gopalakrishnan.
To combat the industrial slowdown, industry would like to see a reduction in repo rate and CRR by 100 bps in the course of this fiscal. Procedural issues must be addressed adequately through inter-ministerial coordination and coordination with the states. Both large infrastructure and manufacturing projects should be cleared rapidly, stressed the CII.
Labour regulations must be placed back on the table for mass manufacturing and exports to develop. Industry must have more flexibility, with a social security premium for flexible workforce. Regarding GST, CII emphasized that tax rates should be maintained at reasonable levels of 15-16% and GST should subsume all indirect taxes and cover all sectors to be fully effective. The power sector issues such as allocation of fuel blocks, pricing, fuel supply, and financial problems of state electricity boards must be tackled holistically.
The CII feels that the MSME sector must be redefined in accordance with higher investment costs. Areas such as finance, technology upgradation, competitiveness, and promoting FDI in MSME need to be comprehensively.
The proposed industrial corridors could attract investments and build demand, provided rapid projectisation is conducted, stressed the CII.
On skill development, CII urged for convergence of the initiatives of all concerned Ministries. A single Department should oversee all skills development programmes.