The Mumbai Police on Tuesday branded the extradition of wanted gangster Kumar Pillai as a 'huge success', saying the notorious criminal was involved in several cases of extortion and murder.
Pillai was arrested in Singapore earlier this year and was on Monday brought to Mumbai after the formalities of his extradition were successfully completed.
"This is a huge success for Mumbai Police. There are a lot of extortion cases against Gangster Kumar Pillai. He was active in early 90s, then he went abroad and then he was active again. All the extradition formalities were completed and he was handed over to us," Joint Commissioner of Police Sanjay Saxena told media here.
Pillai of the infamous Kumar Pillai gang, who was wanted by the Mumbai Police for several cases of murder and extortion, had fled the country in 1990.
In February this year, Pillai was taken into custody in Singapore after a Red Corner Notice (RCN) was issued by Interpol.