Union Health Minister Jagat Prakash Nadda on Sunday took part in the International Yoga Day celebrations at the Sanjeevaiah Park in Hyderabad, hailing what he dubbed a 'memorable' day for all participants.
Nadda took to twitter to share his experiences.
"Yoga is not mere a collectiion of 'asanas' but a profound a philosophy that can being permanent peace to the World. #YogaDay," he wrote.
"Thrilled to see enthusiasm of people from all age groups about performing Yoga. Surely a memorable day for all of us," he added.
Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Modi, who inaugurated the International Yoga Day celebrations in Delhi, dubbed the event as the beginning of a new era of peace and goodwill, thanking all those who have contributed to the development of the great discipline.
An estimated 40,000 people participated in the celebrations at Rajpath, with around two billion people taking part across the world.