New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) Chairman Jalaj Shrivastava today inaugurated a newly refurbished library "at home with books" at the children's park near India Gate.
The function coincides with Children's Day celebrations.
Accompanied by Vikas Anand, Secretary NDMC and other senior officials, Shrivastava toured the library. He evinced keen interest in various books and magazines displayed there.
Speaking on the occasion, Shrivastava said that November 14 held a significant value as it was the birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first prime minister and the architect of modern India who immensely loved children.
He said that despite the spread of Internet, libraries continued to play a major role in fostering literacy, particularly among those sections of the population that need special assistance in developing literacy skills. These include pre-school and elementary level children.