New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) Chairman Jalaj Shrivastava today flagged off a rally by school children to spread awareness regarding prevention of diseases like Dengue and Chickungunya.
"We not only have to fight the menace of dengue but also to eradicate it completely," said Shrivastava before flagging off the rally at Mandir Marg to create awareness about the menace of dengue and chikunguniya among the citizens.
He exhorted the children to spread the message as to how to prevent this deadly menace which has spread during the last 10 to 15 years.
Shrivastava expressed surprise that during the recent checks by NDMC staff the larva of dengue was detected in the buildings of the most important institutions including hospitals.
He was glad that NDMC school children have taken this initiative.
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About 120 school children and teachers participated in the rally. These students passed through the lanes chanting anti-dengue slogans. The rally which went on for more than one hour terminated at International Inculcation Centre, Mandir Marg.
"A series of such rallies will be organized in due course by school children in different colonies covering entire NDMC area. Publicity material including pamphlets carrying appeal, public notices were distributed for sensitization of general public," Shrivastava added.
The malaria Unit of NDMC is taking various health awareness activities like writing of letters to authorities like Residents Welfare Associations (RWA) and many more.
They are also advertising through News Papers, interaction session of RWA, MTAs, Principal, nodal officers and students, announcement for Public and school rallies etc. for sensitization of general public.