As Bollywood celebrities stay at home in view of the 21-day-long government-imposed lockdown, actor Kangana Ranaut on Monday tried her hands at baking and was successful in making "cupcakes from scratch".
The photos of Kangana nailing her attempt at baking was shared by sister Rangoli Chandel on Twitter.
Clad in a casual red check shirt, and mixing up the batter, Kangana is seen beaming with joy in the first photo shared by Chandel.
In the second photo, the final outcome of the baking - the cupcakes - were exhibited.
"New baker in town, she has been meaning to learn baking from me but today we did it, she successfully made soft and delicious cupcakes from scratch, we used white butter + homemade cheese for icing ...., " Rangoli tweeted.
Earlier, Bollywood actors including Deepika Padukone, Alia Bhatt, Sonam Kapoor and Anushka Sharma also tried their hands at baking during the lockdown.
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