Anil Kapoor's son Harshvardhan Kapoor, who is making his Bollywood debut with Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra's film 'Mirzya', has started prepping up for Vikramaditya Motwane directorial 'Bhavesh Joshi'.
Confirming the news, 25-year-old Harshvardhan posted the script of the film on Instagram, writing, "A new experience beckons @fuhsephantom #vikramadityamotwane #anuragkashyap #bhaveshjoshi #indi."
The movie is being produced by Phantom Films and the shooting of the movie is likely to go on the floors this month.
'Mirziya,' an epic love story set in Rajasthan also stars Saiyami Kher and will hit theatres on October 7.