Mocking Nitish Kumar, the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) on Thursday nudged the Bihar Chief Minister to ask for special status for his state, showing courage like his Andhra Pradesh counterpart Chief Minister N. Chandra Babu Naidu.
RJD spokesperson Manoj Jha said Kumar should muster at least one percent of Naidu's courage and seek special courage for Bihar.
"Chandra Babu Naidu took a historical step. Why did our CM took a step back? Letter was written to him to create pressure over issue of special status to Bihar. This is much needed especially with the kind of disparities here. CM should muster up at least one percent of Naidu's courage," said Jha.
TDP has decided to pull out two its ministers - A. Gajapathi Raju and Y.S. Chowdary - from the Union Cabinet. Chandrababu Naidu, Andhra Pradesh CM and TDP chief, made the announcement over Centre's denial to grant special category status to Andhra Pradesh.
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